Character Appreciation Week – Day 07 – GROUP ROUNDUP!

Character Appreciation Week - Group Roundup - 1680 x 1050

Character Appreciation Week - Group Roundup - 1280 x 1024

Well Gang, it’s been a heck of a week! Welcome to day 7, the final day of Character Appreciation Week.  As promised, here’s a group shot of all 6 characters I drew for this fabulous little event.  I’ve assembled them together for you as wallpaper designs for your computer screens.  They’re available in standard and widescreen formats.

While putting these 6 new pin-ups together has been a lot of work, it’s also been a ton of fun, and you can bet this will not be the last time I do a Character Appreciation marathon.  But I had better get back to my regular Class Comics work for the next little while if you want to see more new books by yours truly come out this year!  LOL! XD

I also wanted to tell you all how much I’ve appreciated all your fantastic comments and all the Facebook “LIKES” (I LOVE those!!!). It’s really been rewarding reading from you and seeing how much you enjoyed this past week’s offerings.  So again, a million “thank yous” for your infectious enthusiasm and kind support.  You guys and gals totally ROCK in my book!

Enjoy the wallpaper and I’ll see you all again very shortly!

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Darque, Locus, Cam, Deimos, Trip and Zahn  © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

Character Appreciation Week – Day 06 – TRIP

Trip spurts. Art by Patrick Fillion.

Welcome to day 6 of Character Appreciation Week, my friends.  Today I’m serving up a Hellova slab of all-man meat with a hefty side of sexy Scottish charm.  TRIP, the leader of the Unrivaled Alliance is in the house! Who’s your daddy, now? LOL!

Trip spurts. Pencils by Patrick Fillion.

While Trip is fairly new to the Class Comics universe, he’s certainly made quite an impression on the fans.  Making his very first appearance in Naked Justice: Beginnings #1, he immediately caught everyone’s attention with his stunning, mature good looks and undeniable charm.

In some ways, Trip is physically similar to Deimos – they’re both beautifully muscled, hung and hairy beasts — but in persona, they couldn’t be more different.  Trip is always in a good mood, Deimos is a grouch. And while Trip’s an amazing leader to the Unrivaled Alliance, he doesn’t let his enormous responsibilities wear him down.

Trip spurts. Inks by Patrick Fillion.

Maybe it’s his maturity that helps to temper him – I figure Trip’s in his mid 40s, and that means he’s had some experience living life.  I think his maturity is what makes him so frikkin’ sexy.  Clearly this character is very sure of himself, completely comfortable in his own skin and with his vast telepathic powers (which we will absolutely see more of in Naked Justice: Beginnings #3).  He’s the perfect balance to NJ’s exuberant youth and often immature silliness. Trip knows how to handle NJ, and he proves that in Naked Justice: Beginnings #1 by helping our ginger hero to finally get a grasp on his Egyptian-born super powers.

Trip spurts. Colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

There is still so much to learn about Trip and the other members of the Alliance, and given their popularity, I’m quite certain that I will want to explore all of them individually beyond the current NJ: Beginnings series.  In particular, I’d love to see Trip in his younger years, and to see what led him to form the Unrivaled Alliance… because he did put the team together.

My favorite part of Naked Justice: Beginnings #2 is when Trip pulls out his favorite dildo “Nessie” and goes to town.  It’s such a fabulous little moment, beautifully illustrated by the amazing Jacob Mott. It’s sexy and it’s fun and it’s quite innocent.  I completely love that!!  In my mind the scene perfectly captures Trip’s playful attitude and undeniable sex appeal.

Trip spurts. Shaved Variant art by Patrick Fillion.

For today’s pin-up, I tried to capture that fun side of Trip… and while Nessie is absent from this image, Trip’s sense of unabashed sensuality isn’t… and really, that’s just the way we like him.  Sexy and spurtin’! LOL! XD  You’ll notice that as with Deimos, I also did up a “Shaved Variant” version of Trip, just for the fun of it! HA! HA! HA!

Enjoy this steamy Scottsmen my friends, and I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for Day 7, the final round up of Character Appreciation Week. Have a wonderful Saturday evening!

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Trip © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

Character Appreciation Week – Day 05 – LOCUS

Locus Felxin'. Art by Patrick Fillion.

Welcome to day 5 of Character Appreciation Week, my friends.  Today’s Special – The always delicious Lean, Green Sex Machine, LOCUS.

What can I say about Locus that he hasn’t already said about himself? LOL! He’s gorgeous, clever, funny, sweet and next to Bob, the most amply endowed Boytoon in the Class Comics universe. Oh yes! This green hunk of a toon has it all.  And sure he’s arrogant… but I dare say that’s part of what makes him so darn appealing. Why do we always go for the bad boys? LOL!

Locus Flexin'. Pencils by Patrick Fillion.

I always talk about how Camili-Cat has been with me for over 25 years, but I tend to forget that I created Locus back in 1991, a whole 20 years ago. That’s something to celebrate!  And while Locus didn’t get a commemorative “20th Anniversary Special” book the way Cam did, he did end up with his very own title, which is definitely cause to celebrate.

If I’m to be honest, I was a bit afraid of giving Locus his own book.  Sales matter you know. These comic books don’t print themselves and they are frikkin’ pricy to produce. If a book sits there like a steamin’ pile of crap, it’s pretty disastrous.  Fans are disappointed (I HATE that!), money is wasted and second issues become very unlikely. It’s a bad situation all around.

Locus Flexin'. Inks by Patrick Fillion.

I was worried about LOCUS #1 because although I knew Locus has a HUGE fan base – and that he’s one of my top three fave Class Comics heroes – he is, nevertheless unconventional.  He’s an alien for starters. He’s green, he’s got spots and has a uniquely shaped cock head that some readers who aren’t into science fiction might not find appealing. I worried that all those factors might keep his book from being successful.

Seems I worry too much! XD

LOCUS #1 is HOT HOT HOT! I’m overwhelmed by the amount of enthusiasm and excitement people have shown for this book.  I’m also relieved, because this tells me that the likelihood of a LOCUS #2 is very high! It also confirms that I’m not wrong – or alone – in my love for this strangely magnetic and irresistibly attractive character who’s just a bit too impressed with himself, but is nevertheless all heart.

Locus Flexin'. Colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

So you can imagine the pride I feel in presenting you this new Locus pin-up today.  I love this character with all my heart, and the fact that you the fans have embraced him completely warms my heart. Thank you for your openness and sense of adventure. Today, Locus is all yours!

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Locus © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.


Character Appreciation Week – Day 04 – JEANNE DARQUE

Jeanne Darque Finished Layout. Art by Patrick Fillion.

Welcome to day 4 of Character Appreciation Week, my friends.  Today I want to take a break from the boys and focus on my favorite leading lady – the always fabulous JEANNE DARQUE.

In interviews, people often ask me which one of my characters is the most like me. Sure you could argue that Cam and I share several traits in common, but the character I can relate to the most, at least in terms of personality if not physicality, is Darque. She is very determined and headstrong. She knows what she wants and she has no patience for shit getting in her way.  So yeah, she and I are very similar in that respect. XD

Jeanne Darque. Pencils by Patrick Fillion.

The honest truth is that when I created Jeanne Darque back in 1994, she was sorta my answer to Marvel’s “Storm”.  She may have been that at first, but she quickly became much more and took me by surprise with her incredible drive to become her own entity.

Darque is remarkable.  She’s a force to be reckoned with, both in personality and in raw force.  The woman is an actual black hole, in scientific terms.  All that immense power – that control —  bottled up in the form of a single beautiful, graceful woman. It’s impressive. It’s even more impressive that as the former leader of the Guardians of the Cube, she’s been able to balance that immense responsibility with the equally immense responsibility of being the primary wielder of the Cube. This is not a trivial task.

But you know what? Once in a while a girl needs to have a little fun.  So Darque handed the Cube over to fellow teammate, Numa, and set out in search of herself.

Jeanne Darque. Inks by Patrick Fillion.

Currently I’m preparing the script for the next Guardians of the Cube series entitled “CUBE: After Darque”.  The book will explore the delicate relationship between Darque and the Cube and the other Guardians.  Believe me, this lovely lady is in for a major epiphany.  The series which will be a great deal sexier and raunchier than the original Cube series, at least where the male characters are concerned, will shatter everything you thought you knew about the Guardians of the Cube.  It’s gonna be a blast!

Jeanne Darque. Colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

As for Darque herself, I absolutely love to draw her.  I don’t often get the opportunity to draw my female characters, and so every time I get to do so it’s a true celebration of feminine beauty and my appreciation of the feminine form.  Women are beautiful, graceful creatures, full of sublime curves and supple lines.  Being a gay man doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate those qualities.  They’re something I try to capture every time I draw Darque and her fellow Class Comics Heroines.  I hope I’ve done so today in this latest pin up of my favorite ass-kicking beauty.

Back to the fellas tomorrow, gang.  I hope you enjoy Darque and I’ll see you again very soon.

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Jeanne Darque © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

Character Appreciation Week – Day 03 – DEIMOS

Deimos, The Taro Demon. Art by Patrick Fillion.

Welcome to day 3 of Character Appreciation Week, my friends.  On the menu for today, the undeniably masculine Taro Demon, DEIMOS!

I feared Deimos.  Back in 2004 when I created him, I dunno, there was just something about him, or more to the point, his “themes” that made the good little Catholic boy in me… uncomfortable.  But besides all of that, I couldn’t deny how compelling the character was. So after I completed Deimos #0 (something that actually took a good deal of effort on my part), I decided that I could write Deimos, but that I felt more comfortable having another artist drawing him.

Deimos, The Taro Demon - Pencils by Patrick Fillion.

Enter Logan.  His interpretation of the character has been a gift to me.  The man is brilliant in every sense of the word, and his art is the perfect match for Deimos.  It’s powerful, masculine, drenched with raw sexuality and ravenous in its appetite for more. Deimos needed Logan to survive and ultimately to bloom.

I no longer fear Deimos. Through Logan’s beautifully visceral interpretation of Deimos and his universe, I’ve become comfortable with this character who once made me question my own moral fiber.  Now I adore Deimos. I embrace him. I dare say I’ve gotten a deeper sense of who he is in my writing him for Logan, and that means the world to me.

Deimos, The Taro Demon - Inks by Patrick Fillion.

So many different artists have illustrated Deimos for Class Comics besides Logan and I, and now the amazing Soto is illustrating a short Deimos story I wrote for Rapture #4.  Each artist has his or her own unique take on the Taro Demon, but certain qualities are always there. Deimos is absolutely male in masculinity’s most instinctual, and perhaps most unrefined qualities.  He’s a big, hairy, headstrong Alpha-brute that oozes sex.  And while he’s gruff, impatient and not especially refined, at heart he’s a guy who’s just trying to do the right thing, even if sometimes it’s a royal pain in his ass.

Deimos, The Taro Demon - Colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

Deimos, The Taro Demon (Shaved Variant). Art by Patrick Fillion.

My own rendition Deimos is handsome but worn.  He’s had a rough time.  He rarely smiles, which is why I made him to smile in this pin-up.  He’s smiling, and flexing — kinda showing off and being silly.  It’s a side of him that we rarely see. It’s a playful side that isn’t easy for him to access, but it’s there, underneath all that rippling, hardened exterior. And for those of you who love body hair, some characters have it, some don’t.  Deimos has it!  And just for the Hell of it (since I draw the body hair — except armpit hair — as a separate image that I later superimpose on the final colored file), I’ve given you a shaved down variant — though he looks “all wrong” that way to me!  LOL! XD

Enjoy the Taro Demon, my friends, and we’ll see each other tomorrow for day 4!

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Deimos © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

Character Appreciation Week – Day 02 – CAMILI-CAT

Camili-Cat, Felinoid Slave. Art by Patrick Fillion.

Welcome to day 2 of Character Appreciation Week, my friends.  Today, we celebrate that oh-so-sexy Felinoid scamp, CAMILI-CAT.

Cam’s been with me for over 25 years.  That’s a really long time to spend writing and drawing a single character and his adventures.  He’s truly one of my oldest, closest friends. In recent Class Comics times, Cam’s gone through some tough things.  At first he believed himself the last of his kind, but was later reunited with more of his kin, only to find his long-thought-dead sister, Mina had survived and turned into an evil tyrant. Such drama!!

Camili-Cat, Felinoid Slave - Pencils by Patrick Fillion.

And let’s not forget Cam’s relationship with Locus.  I absolutely adore depicting the ups and downs of their romance. Of course, the Felinoids comics also included some of my other all-time fave characters, such as the beautiful Felicia, and the incredibly handsome Lanor. Cam’s got a very unique bond with each one of these characters, and they in turn really make him shine in some pretty interesting ways.

Now that the Felinoids mini series is over, I look forward to Cam’s future heading in a different direction.  I have big plans for my beloved Felinoid, not the least of which is a major image make-over.

Camili-Cat, Felinoid Slave - Inks by Patrick Fillion.

The illustration I drew of him for today’s post is a return to his “classic” short-hair look (the same hair he sports in LOCUS #1), which a lot of you seem to really like.  You’ll be happy to know that I’m returning to it for good, making it an official part of his new look.  Gone are the long bangs that literally took forever to ink!  LOL!

Today I decided to shave him down for a little bit of fun.  We don’t usually see Cam this way, so I think it’s an interesting change. I also know that there are a lot of foreskin fans who love Cam’s big uncut sausage.  For you guys and gals, today Cam’s thick chewy foreskin is on full glorious display, just for you, drooling just a little bit!

Camili-Cat, Felinoid Slave. Colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

I do so love my sexy catboi.  He’s a beautiful character inside and out in my humble opinion.  He’s the ultimate sex toy who’s brought me years of fun and enjoyment!  I’m thrilled to include him in this week’s special line-up of appreciation pin-ups.  I hope you enjoy this image of him as well, and I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for another character pin-up!

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Camili-Cat © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

Character Appreciation Week – Day 01 – ZAHN

Zahn the Son of Winter. Art by Patrick Fillion.

An associate of Fraser’s maintains that Class Comics doesn’t make “Porn Comics” but that we make “Sex Positive Comics”. I like that!  It rings true to me and resonates with my own personal mission and vision of what Class Comics is and does.  We celebrate sexuality and the natural beauty of sex.

I also think it’s a statement on the characters that populate our books.  Without them, there would be no story.  No point to the sex.  They are the fuel, the essence and very heart of our books.  If I enjoy depicting their adventures and wild sexcapades, and if you the fans and readers enjoy following them, it’s because they are endearing and can touch us all in their unique ways.  We can relate to them in our own personal ways.

Zahn the son of Winter. Pencils by Patrick Fillion.

So that’s what the next 7 days – Character Appreciation Week – are all about.  Each day will be in celebration of a Boytoon – or Girltoon – that I feel very passionately about. A step-by-step illustration process that essentially says “I love you” and “thanks” to these characters that have so enriched my life and make drawing “Sex Positive Comics” so very fun and fulfilling.  All of this will result in a brand new pin-up style illustration done in honor of the character in question.

This is also a “thank you” note to you guys.  Without your enthusiasm and love, these characters’ adventures would go unseen, and I’d be toiling in relative obscurity. I do what I do because I love doing it… and I love sharing it with you.

Zahn the son of Winter. Inks by Patrick Fillion.

I’m kicking things off with ZAHN partly because as one of my more recent creations, his star has risen incredibly fast.  But beyond his popularity, Zahn is dear to my heart because in essence he’s the embodiment of the most enjoyable parts of my youth. Those parts  that still mean so much to me today; the sense of adventure, love of fantasy and the grand adventures of the sword and sorcery heroes of my childhood.

Zahn is a barbarian, but he’s so much more than that.  In his own book, he’s a force of nature and the driving force behind a story that has taken me quite by surprise in its appeal.  He’s powerful, very handsome and regal and incredibly sexy, in body and persona. I love writing him, I love drawing him and I can’t wait to continue his adventure.

Zahn the son of Winter. Colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

Enjoy the Son of Winter, dear friends, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Day 02 of Character Appreciation Week!

Much love to all!
Patrick XOXOX

Zahn © Copyright and TM 2011, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

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